Monday 5 June 2017

The Elderly University in Antalya,Turkey

                         Students over 60 Complete first year at University for the elderly in Antalya, Turkey

               Biology, Philosopy and Chemistry are taught at the first elderly university in Turkey, founded by  Professor Doctor İsmail Tufan,t he founding chairman of the department of Gerontology at Akdeniz university. The ‘elderly university’established in Antalya fort he fisrt time in Turkey and able to record  over the age of 60 is given Biology, Medicine, Chemistry, Repairing and Cooking courses. The elderly univeristy is shown as the first example. It is open and free to everyone over 60. University education is expected to ast 3 years. Prof. Dr. Tufan, who informed the university that there are no grade and competition,s aid that the goal is only to learn.
                Lessons are held three days a week.The classes begin at 5 the evening.Lessons go on aooroximately 2.5 hours a day. Students shoud take an exam at the end of each year. When they complete the four-year education, they are required to write 30 pages thesis.

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