Monday 8 December 2014


Corruption and political system

By Paula Fernández Fernández.
4ºESO - IES de Catabois - Ferrol (SPAIN)

Corruption is the main problem in Spain today, more than crisis, unemployment or Catalonia. It has to do with all our problems and it worsens them. Some of those people who are trying to explain it would better keep silent. Some other times, they simply argue it’s other people's fault. An extreme observer would confirm that corruption is the main issue in Spanish politics just by having a look at the front pages in journals and by listening to the news programmes in any of our Spanish radio or television broadcasting companies.

There have been some political changes fostered from the system itself: the king has changed as well as the leader of the oposition and some other ones. The denial of corruption or corruption itself may have caught the observer attention. Concealment as a solution would be the reason why corruption has spread. As it has been extending with the passing of time, it has taken systemic apperance and it has become systemic itself as well.

There are no uncorruptible systems but there are some which are able to get rid of their excrescences. The proved incompetence of our political parties to stop corruption, which arises in all the system, is an evidence which must be investigated. Why have all political parties denied  and hidden it systematically?


Corruption adds up to economical and political pesimism

By José Manuel Álvarez Medín.

4º ESO – IES de Catabois . Ferrol (SPAIN).

When Mariano Rajoy assumed his position, 74,1% of the population thought the political situation was bad or very bad and, today, we find that 80,5% of the population have got that feeling. The stability that, in the PP opinion, their majority provides has worsen the way citizens feel towards politics.

What has changed, mainly, is the fact that in October 2011, just a 9,2% pointed out corruption as the main trouble in Spain while, at the moment, that number reaches the 42,3%. Just a 6% of the population think the government management has been good or very good.


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