By Michelle Khallafi

Have you
ever head of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome? 29-year-old Johanna Watkins suffers
from this condition and she is allergic to next to everything. She does not live
like people as you and me. She lives in a room all by herself.
In a “normal family” you and your
husband can spend time together by watching TV or at least be in the same room.
Johanna Watkin from Minnesota lives a life that is a little bit different from
the “normal family”. If Johanna and her husband watch TV together they do it
separately. She has to be in an attic room with sealed windows where she spends
all of her time whereas he is in another room, and they chat with each other by
texting or calling. According to BBC, Johanna didn’t know that her diagnose
would become this heard to deal with. The doctors don’t know what to do and she
can’t be with other people.
The Mast Cell Activation is a
syndrome that makes the body’s protection system attack the body, instead of
protecting it. It is a syndrome that gives different symptoms from person to
person. Because of the syndrome Johanna can’t meet friends, not even her
parents, anymore.
She knew that she had the syndrome
before she got married but it was not this hard then. She worked as a teacher
and she often went hiking with her husband Scott. When they got married she
started to feel worse every time he came into the same room as her. One day she
got very sick and he had to leave the room. One week after the incident he
tried to go into her room again and the same thing happened. That was when they
realized that their life would never be as it was before. This is Johanna
Watkin’s life right now but she hopes that the doctors will find a treatment
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