Monday, 16 February 2015


By Borsa Antonia, Coordinating teacher: Melania Egyed, School: Samuil Vulcan National College

Penicillin had a powerful impact upon medicine because in less than a century since it had been discovered, the antibiotics have saved over 200 million lives.

Was penicillin discovered by chance?
A happening that took place in 1928 was to change forever the course of medicine. The scientific researcher of Scottish origin went on holiday, leaving in his laboratory a lamella with bacteriologic particles .When Fleming came back from his holidays the lamella was covered with mould. Analyzing the lamella under a microscope, Fleming discovered that all the bacteria had disappeared.
Fleming came to the conclusion that there are some micro-organisms which secrete some substances, having the capacity to destroy bacteria. The mould called Penicillium Natatum, gave the name of miraculous substance that destroys the microbes: the penicillin.
It was an accidental discovery, an unusual event; but it took place in the presence of an enlightened mind, that was able to realize what the problem was about, and to force the way that was to be followed to make use of the unexpected gift of good luck.
Although Fleming is considered the discoverer of the first antibiotic, receiving the Nobel Prize in 1945 , the Romanian scientist Victor Babes had genially anticipated, in 1885, the intimate mechanism of action of some substances that can be used  in order to destroy the microbes.
Without having the pride of the Nobel Prize, the Romanian Victor Babes can be considered one of the fathers of the modern ideas about antibiotics and of prophylaxis , that has had a huge impact on the lives of millions and millions of people all over the world.

And it will continue to have in future, too.
(Inspired from the books: 1,000 Great Lives and Longman Dictionary)