Tuesday, 21 April 2015


Student: Georgia Patricia MAGDA, IXth B grade; Coordinating teacher: Ioana Lacrimioara RADA; School: “Samuil Vulcan” National College
A man from Romania, aged 44, was born with a serious heart problem: his heart did not pump enough blood. The man had been on the waiting list for a heart transplant for a long time, but learned that there were other opportunities, such as an artificial heart implant. This is a new procedure in Romania, by which, patients who need a heart transplant will receive an "artificial heart". This "artificial heart" is actually a device that functions as a pump, regulating the activity of the heart muscle and heart rate. The device contains a battery which needs to be charged 6 to 6 hours, this not being though a problem for patients. The device looks like this:


Student: Robert KOVACS, IXth B grade; Coordinating teacher: Ioana Lacrimioara RADA; School: Samuil Vulcan National College

             The Apuseni Natural Park is a protected area of national interest, made up of a delimited territory where the natural, historical and cultural attributes are protected for the maintenance of a sustainable development.
              The National Park is located in the West of the country, in the central-eastern part of the Apuseni Mountains, surrounded by a range of mountains and plateaus, on the territory of three districts (Cluj, Bihor and Alba).
               Bohodei Crest is located in Bihor County, halfway mountain route between Stana de Vale and Padis. It has a height of 1650 m, being the second high mountain in the framework of Vladeasa Mountains. Here we can find a rich vegetation of conifers (the spruce, the pine and the juniper), but fauna is not so complex, being noted only a few wild animals such as the golden eagle, the bear and the chamois, specific to the alpine area.

Sunday, 19 April 2015


by Sergilia Moț, Xth D grade; Coordinating teacher: Melania-Noemi Egyed; School: Samuil Vulcan National College

A novelty is the sensitive point of a tradition.In Romania this new concept is replacing our traditional holidays with holidays for other countries.
For example nowadays we all celebrate ”The Valentine’s Day” on the14th of February, but  few people remember that on the 24th of February we have ’’The Dragobete’’ ( a specific Romanian 
traditional holiday).

Let’s be proud

By Cristina Mada, Xth D grade; Coordinating teacher: Melania-Noemi Egyed; School: Samuil Vulcan National College

Our country, Romania has a multitude of mini-paradises. Besides its beautiful scenery we are also proud of the performances and the talent of our Romanian women in different areas: in the gymnastics we have Nadia Comaneci, who is the winner of three Olympic gold medals at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal and the first female gymnast to be awarded a perfect score of 10 in an Olympic gymnastic event. She also won two gold medals at the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow. She is one of the best-known gymnasts in the world. In 2000 Nadia was named as one of the Athletes of the Century by the Laureus World Sports Academy.