By Bella Jasmin Kahia da Silva, Lucía Loureiro Cela, María Roca Pérez, Carla
Gago Castro, Claudia Prieto Puga, Azael Enríquez Fernández, Pablo Rodeiro
Rañales, Aicha Pato Romero, Eli Tatyanova Petkova, Mario Martínez Estévez, André
Rey Vidal y Elisa Rodríguez Rodríguez.
2º ESO - IES de Catabois - Ferrol (SPAIN)
In October 2012, the Taliban put a bullet in her head,
but they couldn’t silence her. Malala Yousafzai defends the right of school
attendance for women in her country, Pakistan, and raises her voice in
favour of every boys and girls right of Education.
Her fight and courage have been recognised with the
Nobel Peace Prize, shared with the Indian activist Kaliash Satyarthy, founder
of the N.G.O. “Global March against children work”.
Malala is 17, and the youngest person ever receiving a
Nobel Prize. But her fight started when
she was 11.