Wednesday 6 May 2015


Student: Agnes CUPIN, IXth A grade; Coordinating teacher: Ioana Lacrimioara RADA; School: “Samuil Vulcan” National College
Even if the way there was long and I  managed to fall asleep, it was all worth it. The weather was relatively good and the air was fresh- a quality I enjoy every time I go on a trek.  

After squeezing ourselves into the reception of a small building to buy some souvenirs, have the region’s history explained to us and do other things, we went up a slope towards the first cave, there we proceeded to take a gazillion pictures and explore the water-drilled old gold mine- and I also managed to cover my shoes with red dust!
The second cave was up a little further, though I did not explore this one. I opted on staying on a  path next to one of the sandy walls surrounding the mouth of the cave and carve ‘Nope’ into it. I also snapped a few pictures of the blooming trees and shrubbery around us: little purple flowers standing out against the dull green leaves and the dark brown of the branches they occupied.
On the way down, we took another path that was a little steeper than the one we climbed up on. No worries, though! Going downwards was fun because we had to keep our balance on the rocks and be careful not to step on anything that may slip from under our foot.
As we got to the bus, we were relieved to finally start our way towards the place where we would eat, and then visit the remaining destinations we had in mind for our tour that day.    Truly, the place was a wonderful one;  but I regret not being able to understand Spanish. Maybe I would have understood the lady at the reception better!


  1. I could see the sorroundings in front of me while reading the article. It was interesting to read.

  2. Las Medulas it is wonderful place full of beautiful landscapes. I was delighted with the appearance and the colour of mountains and how they came into existence. The article reminded me this fantastic place.
